The Goal
The aim of the Tiny Town 2 challenge is to bring back to life the “Abandoned Warehouse”, whilst also completing the individual challenges of each household who live there. You must also furnish their apartments in their chosen colours and styles. You can use the pre-made lot and households for this challenge, or create your own! Feel free to adjust any challenges to suit what packs you have or what you want to explore. Have fun and get creative.
You can watch a playthrough of this challenge on my YouTube channel
Pre-made downloads for this challenge via “Deligracy” user profile on The Sims 4 Gallery
- Download the Abandoned Warehouse “Residential Rental” lot here
- Download the Abandoned Warehouse regular “Residential” lot here
- Download the pre-made households here
- There are a total of 6 sim households and 6 apartments. Allocate one household per apartment. You can choose to your liking, or use a chance randomiser.
- If you are using The Sims 4 For Rent to establish the "Abandoned Warehouse" as a “Residential Rental” you can create or select a random sim to be the Landlord/owner. Alternatively, you can make a Tiny Towner as the owner, but this may introduce more challenges both for gameplay and with game bugs.
- Set each of the family household funds to $100 per sim. (Use the cheat to do this. ctrl-shift-C. Type into cheat box “testingcheatsenable true”. Hit “enter”. Type into cheat box “money 100” to set funds as $100). Alternatively, you can start with $0 to make it harder.
- Use your sims phone to register in their chosen job. This job will fund their entire apartment renovation and contribute to the “Abandoned Warehouse” exterior and community areas.
- You must also fulfil the individual challenges of each sim (and bonus challenges if you’re keen!).
- You must furnish each households apartment to perfection in their chosen style and colours. To what extent you use their colours is up to you.
- You can focus on completing one household before you move onto the next, or you may prefer to make us of rotational gameplay to work on multiple households at once.
- The challenge is complete once you are satisfied with the entire “Abandoned Warehouse” renovation and all households have completed their individual challenges.
Final Note
You can watch a playthrough of this challenge on my YouTube channel.
Just have fun. You can change and bend the rules, sims and lot to whatever you want. The goal is to have a good time! So feel free to go wild!